Everyone should be able to talk about their birth experience, wether it went well or not so well, if you were the birthing person or part of the birth team.
Some people are happy to chat to family and friends, and sometimes this is all you need.
Other times though you need someone impartial to work through your thoughts and feelings.
I take a very relaxed approach my de-briefs. they can be face to face or via video call, where ever you are most comfortable. There's no formalities, just a friendly chat. My job is to listen to your story and lend a vertual (or actual) shoulder to lean on.
If there's anything about your birth story you want more information on, or advice on other services you may need i can either gather this information for you before the chat, or email it to you afterwards. Just let me know how I can help.
This is an hour for you to discuss your birth story. I usually say to wait around 6 weeks after the birth to book your appointment, but if you feel you need someone before that time, please reach out to me.
At the other end of the specturm it may have been years since your birth experience, and you feel you need someone understanding to talk to.
You can have as many chats as you need, most people have around 1-2 hours.
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